NSF training - Dietary supplement claims substantiation

NSF training - Dietary supplement claims substantiation

Monday, October 28, 2024 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM · 8 hr. (America/Los_Angeles)
South Pacific Ballroom C
NSF training


The labeling and promotion of your dietary supplement products are the most visible ways that the Food & Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission can track your compliance with federal regulations. A perfect complement to “Dietary supplement labeling compliance,” this course will go over in detail each type of permitted claim that is available to you and the criteria for making each one. We will cover FDA and FTC standards for substantiation. We will also go over how to build the substantiation for each claim that FDA and FTC require you to have to ensure your claims are accurate and not misleading, and how you can avoid making implied claims which could lead to regulatory enforcement. Participants will learn how public knowledge of FTC and FDA enforcement actions affect business performance, enforcement/litigation trends and other responsibilities of dietary supplement manufacturers such as structure/function claim notification.

Attend this FDA and FTC claim substantiation course if you work in:

  • Manufacturing
  • Management
  • Packaging and labeling
  • Suppliers and distributors
  • Quality control/quality assurance
  • Laboratory operations
  • Auditing
  • Regulatory affairs and compliance
  • Other technical professional

Additional fee required.

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