



•Healthy body composition* • Cardiovascular health* • Immune health* Multidimensional Nutritional Powerhouse Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries, are a nutritional powerhouse packed with an extraordinary concentration of antioxidants, including anthocyanins and polyphenols. Renowned for their potent anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, aronia berries offer a unique advantage for dietary supplements. These properties make aronia berries an exceptional ingredient for supporting metabolic health and blood sugar control. Harness the potential of aronia berries to create cutting-edge supplements that target specific health concerns and contribute to overall well-being. CellBerry® Research: CellBerry® has been shown in animals to reduce body weight gain and body fat, which may be due to its positive antioxidant properties as well as support to healthy inflammatory pathways, inhibiting lipase or by increasing thermogenesis.* In a 6-week animal study, the animals were provided with a high simple carbohydrate diet to investigate the mechanisms underlying blood glucose management, adipose cell formation, and inflammation. The animals received CellBerry® or a placebo in their drinking water. The study showed CellBerry® reduced body weight, abdominal fat, and improved metabolic health.*

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