Oregon Freeze Dry, Inc.



OFD Life Sciences builds on over 60 years of lyophilization expertise to provide advanced, scalable solutions that preserve the form, function, and efficacy of products in the life sciences industry. We support human and animal health with tailored services to the advancement of supplements, ingredients for supplements, pharma, biotech, and medtech in their respective spaces. These services include cycle development, trial and commercial scale, and delivery of specialty bioceuticals, therapeutics, and vaccines.

Contract Manufacturers/Service Providers
AsepticBlendingCo-PackingDrink MixesFlavor DevelopmentFood BarsFreeze DryingGranulatingGrindingHomeopathicsMillingMixingPackagingPowder BlendsTableting
Equipment Suppliers
Freeze Dryers
Independent Service Providers
Technology Solutions

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