Lyxia Corporation



Lyxia Corporation began in Los Angeles in 2012 with a vision of producing rich proteins and nutrients, normally obtained from the sea, in a farm beside the sea, without the involvement of fish of any variety. No ships. No nets. The pathway to these valuable products would be direct from microalgae – the original superfood. These products would be entirely vegetarian and free of genetic alteration. Our process would be clean and green, sustainable, and beneficial. Today, after 10 years of research, process development and scale up, with the support of so many believers in a better way, we have entered the market! We began with the selection of a specific microalga that holds enormous potential – Nannochloropsis sp. Our microalgae – though only 4 microns in size - can feed and nourish us with rich proteins and oils. Growing with just sunlight, seawater, and carbon dioxide (CO2) our microalgae improve air quality through carbon capture, produce pure oxygen for us to breath, and yield incredibly rich vegan protein and nutritious oil. AlgaLab® Natural EPA Our AlgaLab Natural EPA is a nutritious algal extract comprised of a variety of valuable fatty acids in their naturally occurring forms, including roughly 80% polar lipids – both phospholipids and glycolipids. The most prevalent among them is the polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (the Omega-3 EPA). In addition to EPA, there is an abundance of chlorophyll plus beta-carotene and other carotenoids which serve as powerful antioxidants. Our Natural EPA also contains biotin (vitamin B7), as well as vitamin E, and is rich in calcium, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium. AlgaLab Natural EPA is the unparalleled choice for those seeking a vegan source of EPA that is non-GMO, allergen free, cruelty free, and in so many ways beneficial to our bodies and our planet. Vegan EPA from Nannochloropsis is the most bioavailable naturally occurring Omega-3 on earth, outperforming all other known sources to include those derived from plants, fish, krill, calanus and more. Better, By Design In terms of all of us together on this beautiful blue-green planet, we are in a transition phase industrially, commercially, socially, and nutritionally. What products will succeed, how they will be produced, how they will be sold, and what that means to producers and consumers alike – it’s all in flux. Our company is producing what the global market is demanding, and we are producing it the way all things will need to be produced in the future - clean. Leading the Blue Economy in EPA direct from microalgae, we are as green as our tiny algae in terms of purity and sustainability while being absolutely in tune environmentally and ecologically. It is companies such as ours that will be embraced, supported, and rewarded by consumers and governments going forward. We are happy about this and encourage all industries to follow. Contact us now! Be a part of something awesome!

Ingredient Supplier: Specialty
AlgaeEssential Fatty Acids: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 EFAsMarine ExtractsPhospholipids

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