Bioactive Services


Bioactive Services is a company with 20 years’ experience specializing in modern manufacturing and pioneers in sterilization of botanicals, fruits, seeds, and vegetables. Our value-added services are for the food, beverage, pet food and dietary supplement industries.

We are a full-service supplier of USDA Certified Organic and conventional ingredients. We treat your ingredients right with rigorous testing and in house sterilization to ensure the cleanest of ingredients.

Our value-added services of milling, blending, tolling, and packaging into jars, pouches and stick packs provide our customers with turnkey solutions for expedience to their distribution channels. We are consulting every step of the process with you, our customer to ensure precise finished products with an exceptional experience. We value our relationships and look to be with you the life your company

Contract Manufacturers/Service Providers
BeveragesBlendingBottling, Capsules/TabletsChewablesDrink MixesFlavor DevelopmentMillingPackagingPowder BlendsSterilization
Independent Service Providers
Certification, GMPCertification, HalalCertification, KosherCertification, Organic
Industry Association/Non-Profits
Services Include: Trade Shows/Conferences
Ingredient Supplier: Food
Beverage BasesSeasoningsSpices
Ingredient Supplier: Herbs/Botanicals
AcaiAgaricus BlazeiAlfalfaAlfalfa JuiceAloe VeraAmlaAshwagandhaBarberryBarley GrassBilberryBlack CohoshBlack WalnutBladderwrackBurdockCascara SagradaCat's ClawCayenneCha de BugreChamomileChastetree (Vitex)ChickweedCinnamonDamianaDulseEchinaceaEleutheroEyebrightFenugreekHawthornHorsetailMeadowsweetMulleinNettlesPassion FlowerPlantainRose HipsSennaTurmeric
Ingredient Supplier: Related Components
Capsules, Hard (Empty)Capsules, Hard (Filled)Capsules, SoftgelsCapsules, Vegetarian (Empty)Gums
Packaging Material Suppliers
Bottles, CustomBottles, HDPE

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